Worden Farm, Punta Gorda, Florida, is an ideal organic farm. This year, their end-of-season open-house event was full of hayrides, goat petting, cooking demos, and organic vegetables sales.
Chris Worden giving guided hayride tours of his farm, Punta Gorda, Fla. |
There were families, single people, members, non-members, and goats at the event. The activities included guided hay rides with Chris Worden, cooking demos, cover-crop seed sowing, vegetable sales, and pick-your-own flower cutting.
Melted Tatsoi, Mint, and chocolate frozen coconut-milk
dessert, Worden Farm, Punta Gorda, Fla. |
At the cooking station there was salsa and a frozen dessert or semi-frozen by the time I got there. The dessert was made with Tatsoi spinach, mint, and coconut milk. It was very tasty with no hint of vegetable.
Cover Crop seed sowing event using frame on field as
guide, Worden Farm, Punta Gorda, Fla. |
At the cover crop sowing activity, guests were invited to scatter the contents of small containers, filled with cover-crop seeds, onto a field where wooden frames had been laid. Cover crops are grown through the summer to enrich the nitrogen levels of the ground.
Eva Worden next to bins of organic vegetables for sale
at Worden Farm's end of season open house,
Punta Gorda, Fla. |
There was plenty of organic vegetables for sale at very reasonable prices. Eva Worden said the event was held each year to give nonmembers a chance to see what was available at the farm. It is also a chance for members to meet each other and the Wordens.
Extra produce on its way to local food bank, Worden
Farm, Punta Gorda, Fla. |
At the end of the day all unpurchased food is donated to a local food bank.
To find out more about Worden Farm go to their website at