Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gleaning For Charity: Sarasota, Florida Style

Gleaning is one of the oldest forms of charity. Farmers allow volunteers from local charities into their fields to remove crops that are too blemished to sell.

Volunteers glean vegetables from Jessica's Organic Farm,
Sarasota, Fla.

Jessica's Organic Farm, Sarasota, Florida, allows gleaners from the All Faiths Food Bank into their fields every Monday morning, during the growing season. They harvest and box produce that will be too old to sell at the Saturday farmers' market.

Volunteers look over gleaned produce from Jessica's
Organic Farm, Sarasota, Fla.

At the end of the three to four hours of gleaning and packing volunteers are encouraged to take what is left.

To find out more about All Faiths Food Bank you can go to

Updated January 2018

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